Today I'm writing about current events. This is the best time to chronicle how you are being effected by the Coronavirus. This is an event that will go down in history as so many closures of businesses and travel will have this talked about for many generations no matter what the outcome is. Never before have we seen such preventative measures put in place across our world. So this is a great time to write about how this is having an impact on your life, today, tomorrow, in the future. Future generations will undoubtedly hear about this pandemic. Knowing what it was like first hand for you their ancestor will be priceless for them.
This is today's question.
- How is the Coronavirus having an effect on you?
- Are you working from home?
- Have you changed anything in your normal routine?
- What has your town done to help stop the spread of this virus?
- Do you feel it was warranted? or do you feel it was too much?
For me, since I work from home I don't come in contact with many people on a daily basis as it is. My husband works in an office but he's secluded in a closed office and doesn't share any equipment like computers or phones. If he had to he could work from home for about 80% of what he does. But for now he needs to be there to answer phones for the employees that have questions. I am in Central Florida and last night at midnight they closed Disney World, in another week they will close all of the hotels on Disney property. They've sent home their college program kids and ended their program for this semester. These things I mention because for those of us in Central Florida this is really big. Disney doesn't close typically. Theres only been a few times that's happened and never for this length of time. It's having a trickle down effect on our community as travelers go home the restaurants are bare of people. The waitstaff is wondering where their money will come from, and some businesses might not survive the closures. Children are out of school for 2 weeks. So parents are trying to figure out how they will take care of their kids and work too. I'm more worried about my older brothers and sisters than myself as they are in the age range that gets hit the hardest. As a Floridian I'm almost always prepared for hurricanes so I didn't need to run out and stock up on anything which saved me from all of the issues at the stores. I always have the essentials as well as fresh food, canned food, dried food and frozen food in our house. We should be good for the two of us for a little while. I'm sure there's more that has touched my life. But for now I'm mostly worried about others.
Today I'm not going to add an item from my store. I need to get more items in the store so that I don't duplicate any in my blog posts so until I get some new stuff in the store I will have sporadic ads.
Here's the form to fill in for today's question.