This is today's question.
- Have you been affected by the Iraq & Afghanistan war?
- By that I mean, was anyone in your family active in the war?
- If so, how does their being active impacted you personally?
- What Branch of the service are they or you in?
By answering this question you can let your ancestors know how this war has had an impact on your life. If you are in the armed forces and were involved in this war, tell what it is like to be in the service during the time of war. If you have family members in the service tell how you feel when they are away, how often are you able to contact them. Do you have small children that are missing one or both of their parents? What is day to day like with them away? Do you live on a base or off base? Do you have a circle of friends that also have husbands in the war? This is the time to write down how you feel about this time in your life to preserve it for future generations. Hopefully they will never know what it is like to live in a war time, but if they do maybe some of the things you write down will help them to get through that time for them.
Today is ad free Sunday.
Here's the form to fill in for today's question.