This is today's question.

  • Have you ever written a play, tv show or a movie?
  • If so, what was it called?
  • What genre was it?
  • What was it about?
  • Did it get produced?
  • Did you act in it?
  • Do you still have the script?

For this question you can answer these and other questions like, what made you want to write this script? At what age did you write it? Have you written more than one? 

If it was produced you can describe what it was like to be on the set. How the actors were chosen. Did you meet anyone you considered famous? What did it feel like when you found out it was going to be produced.

I don't have any experience in this field, but knew a girl that I was friends with whose husband wrote a script for a TV show on spec that was accepted. They flew him out to Hollywood to film the episode and ended up keeping him on their writing staff so they moved to California. I hope he is still doing great. I don't know what his writing name was but I know it wasn't his real name. So I cannot check to see if he is still active.

Today is ad free Sunday, so I'm not featuring an item today. :-)

Here's the form for today's question, just right click and print it out for each of the scripts you've written. Or perhaps someone in your family is a writer. 

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