This is today's question.

  • Has your name ever appeared in the credits of a Play, TV show or Movie?
  • If so, what was the production?
  • What job did you perform?
  • Was there more than one?
  • Do you have photos of that mention?
  • Do you still have the script?

For this question you can answer these and other questions like, how did you get this job? What was it like if you were on the set? If you weren't on the set but did something more behind the scenes what was it like there?

I have never been involved with any sort of production of any type. So this one doesn't apply to me.

Today I'm featuring the following item from my web site. Today is the Perpetual Birthday and Anniversary Calendar. This makes a great gift for anyone really. It's a calendar that you can write your family and friends' birthdays and anniversaries. This calendar just keeps going year after year as it never ends. So it's a one time purchase for $20 with free shipping. I gave them to each adult in my family for Christmas as well as all of our friends when I sent out our Christmas cards. I got lots of thanks for them as it's something most people don't even realize they need until they get one.

Here's the form for today's question, just right click and print it out . 

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