This is today's question.

  • Have any of your relatives ever been in a movie?
  • If so, what movie(s) were they in?
  • What kind of movie was it?
  • Were there any sequels?
  • What part did they play?
  • Do you have any still photos of them acting or in the movie?

For this question, similar to the last two you can explain any information you can gather from that family member if they are still alive, or any information you have gathered from the internet if they have passed on. With Movies there is typically some sort of information about that person mentioned online. You can always check the web site for any information.

You can print a different page for each movie if there were more than one person or more than one movie.

I have a relative by marriage on my father's side that was a pretty big radio, Broadway, movie and TV star back in the 1930s to 1960s. She was in 19 Broadway shows, 81 movies, and 10 TV shows. I am fortunate to also have a handwritten letter from her to my Grandmother on my Father's side when their common granddaughter was born explaining why she couldn't be at the birth of the baby because of her contractual obligations to the TV show she was in at the time wouldn't allow her to leave. So that's as close as I get to someone in my family being famous in the movies. I think it's pretty cool though.

Today's highlighted item from my site is the 4 generation family tree with the green background. This family tree starts at $20 for a digital download that you can have printed on any medium you like. Or if you'd prefer me to print the item on the highest quality fine art paper with my fine art printer that can be done as well. Just click on the photo for more information.


Here is today's print out for the question of the day. Just right click and print the image.

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