This is today's question.

  • Have you ever been in a movie?
  • If so, what movie(s) were you in?
  • What kind of movie was it?
  • Were there any sequels?
  • What part did you play?
  • Do you have an agent?
  • Do you have any still photos of you acting or in the movie?

For this question, similar to yesterday's you can explain how you got the part, where you went for your audition, how you felt that audition went and who it was with. Were you given the part on the spot or called back for one or more auditions before you got the part. Was it an open casting call or one that you were asked to read for? 

Then you can describe how it was on the set, where the set was and who you met while working on the show. Photos of these people can be added to the back of the page below that you can print out to record this information.

You can print a different page for each movie if you were in more than one. That way they can be kept separate and the memory will remain alive for your ancestors. 

I've never been in a movie so this one doesn't apply to me.

Today's item that I'm featuring is a great baby shower gift. This item can be purchased pre-filled with names or as a blank for the parents to fill in once they get it. It's a cute baby's first family tree with adorable little animals that represent each person in the family. Starting at $17 with free shipping it's a very affordable baby shower gift.


Here's the form for today's question. You can print a different sheet for each movie.

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