This is today's question.

  • Have you ever been on TV?
  • If so, what were you in?
  • Was it a commercial?
  • Was it a one time part?
  • Was it recurring?
  • Were you on more than one time?
  • What part did you play?
  • Were you paid for that part?
  • Do you have an agent?
  • Do you have any still photos of you acting or in the show?

For this question you can explain how you got the part, where you went for your audition, how you felt that audition went and who it was with. Were you given the part on the spot or called back for one or more auditions before you got the part. Was it an open casting call or one that you were asked to read for? 

Then you can describe how it was on the set, where the set was and who you met while working on the show. Photos of these people can be added to the back of the page below that you can print out to record this information.

I only recall one time being asked to sign a waiver because I was in the audience of a live music performance and would appear on the documentary for that musician. However fleeting as it was just a pan of the audience my face was recognizable in that documentary for a moment. I won't say who it was because during the documentary the musician said some disparaging words about the class of the audience that left me feeling pretty upset with her as those words didn't need to be spoken. I guess she wasn't happy with the venue and was use to a more upscale crowd. But that's what you get when you play in an open venue where anyone can come to enjoy your music. You get a wide mix of people in the audience. But they took the time out to sit and listen and for her to say bad things about them just wasn't called for.

Today's item that's being featured from the web site is the 3 descendant family trees. These family trees are a snapshot of today showing 3 generations starting with you and showing your children and their children. This one happens to be for 3 descendants in the family but I also have them for 2, 4, 5, 6 or 7 children. Just click on the photo to see more information about this item that makes a great gift for your parents, yourself, or your grandparents as it shows all of their grandchildren and great grandchildren. If you want to print the tree yourself the digital files start at $20 and if you want it printed it depends on the size of the print. All are printed on a giclee printer so that they last for generations.

Here is the page or today's question, it's set up with space for punching to be added to a 3 ring binder. Just right click on the image and print it...


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