This is today's question.

  • Have you ever been in the military?
  • If so which branch was it?
  • What was your rank?
  • How long were you in the military?
  • Did you retire from the military? What year?

You might write about any of the memories that stand out to you from being in the military. For instance, what was it like at basic training? Did you make any lifelong friends? If so who are they and how often do you see them? Where were you stationed? How long before you moved up in ranks? What position did you hold? Do you have photos of yourself in your dress uniform? What about candid photos taken on location at some point? There's so much to write about your experiences in the military that your family would find very interesting.

This one doesn't apply to me. I was never in the military. But want to take this moment to thank each and every one that has given any part of their lives for our military. It's hard to express the gratitude I have for our armed forces. The sacrifices they've given cannot be measured or understood by those of us that have not served. But I do sincerely thank them for their service.

Today I'm featuring the following item from my web site. This is a baby or little girl's family tree explaining the relationships to her. It comes with a pink background with Burgundy and white printing. Click the photo to see more information about this item.

Here's the form to fill in for today's question. Print it as many times as you need for as much information as you care to share.

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